Casablanca 2020 super actionpacked adventure

Casablanca 2020 is an egyptian actionmovie starring Amir Karara and directed by uber cool director Peter Mimi. Deni Jordan was nominated for a Taurus World Stunt Award for Casablanca 2020 in Hollywood. The prestigious award is only nominating 5 foreign stuntcoordinators each year and this was the 3rd time Jordan was nominated, previously in 2010

2022 Dor el Omor – a thrilling story

The Lebanese show 2022 Dor el Omor aka The Role is a psychological thriller in which a disturbed woman choses a fictional character as her unlikely ally in a game of vengeance. Check out Dor el Omor trailer below The stunts in 2022 Dor el Mor were fight choreography and shootouts aswell as some car

Downtown 2021 – Action packed Lebaneese tv-series

Downtown 2021

Downtown 2021 – Action packed Lebaneese tv-series Deni Jordan was contacted by Falcon Films a Lebanese production company to be the Actiondirector & stuntcoordinator for the “Ramadan” tv series “Downtown” starring Samer Ismail, directed by Zuhair Qanou`and produced by supercool producer Raed Sannan. It was a 30 episode series which is about MMA fighting. Downtown

Hamlet Pheroun 2020 – a wild movie project

The movie “Hamlet Pheroun” was shot over a period of 6 months. The wild action movie Hamlet Pheroun“Hamlet Pheroun” was shot from november 2018 till end of may 2019 and it was a wild project. We did so many stunts for the movie including wirework, fights, shootouts, car stunts, explosions with and without wires, gunfights

Bank El Hazz – Egyptian Action Comedy

For the Egyptian Action comedy Bank El Hazz, European Stunt Team did some awesome and spectacular stunts including hard hits, wirework and riding a bike inside a bank. Deni Jordan was Stunt Coordinator and all stunts were performed by Søren Rytter & Niklas Brennsund. Check out the trailer here…