Troll Monster Netflix 2022 – a wild ride

Troll Monster Netflix is a movie we did in 2021 and has now been released on Netflix generating huge response. It is the most seen non-english speaking movie on the Netflix platform Here is the trailer for Troll Netflix monster European stunttteam has delivered all the action for Troll monster Netflix. Deni Jordan is the

Casablanca 2020 super actionpacked adventure

Casablanca 2020 is an egyptian actionmovie starring Amir Karara and directed by uber cool director Peter Mimi. Deni Jordan was nominated for a Taurus World Stunt Award for Casablanca 2020 in Hollywood. The prestigious award is only nominating 5 foreign stuntcoordinators each year and this was the 3rd time Jordan was nominated, previously in 2010

2022 Dor el Omor – a thrilling story

The Lebanese show 2022 Dor el Omor aka The Role is a psychological thriller in which a disturbed woman choses a fictional character as her unlikely ally in a game of vengeance. Check out Dor el Omor trailer below The stunts in 2022 Dor el Mor were fight choreography and shootouts aswell as some car

Downtown 2021 – Action packed Lebaneese tv-series

Downtown 2021

Downtown 2021 – Action packed Lebaneese tv-series Deni Jordan was contacted by Falcon Films a Lebanese production company to be the Actiondirector & stuntcoordinator for the “Ramadan” tv series “Downtown” starring Samer Ismail, directed by Zuhair Qanou`and produced by supercool producer Raed Sannan. It was a 30 episode series which is about MMA fighting. Downtown