“El Badla” – Tamer Hosny wild Actioncomedy 2018

Tamer Hosny stars in this great actioncomedy. Deni Jordan was Action director & Stuntcoordinator for the car chases and car stunts in the movie. The car chases were shot in Cairo in the Zamelek area and the freeways surrounding it.

Tamer Hosny 
Amongst the stunts were a piperamp stunt performed by Stuntman Gregers Pedersen with 70 km/h and a van crashing through a whole cafe of guest (stunt people 🙂 ). We also shot high speed pursuit with a speed of 130 km/h on the freeway with 8 cars plus camera car following.

Tamer Hosny action

The challenges with this Tamer Hosny action comedy was that since Cairo is super crowded even in the nighttime we had to make sure that the road were clear in order for us to shoot our car sequences in a safe way, but at the same time making sure we got cool action footage.

You can see the trailer for Tamer Hosny´s El Badla here.

